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382 Links, Last Updated 2002/7/21
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~~UTOPIA~~ - category: emulators - General emulators site, with some links and a download or two for the Atari 8-bit emulators. The Atari 8-bit section is quite limited though. Also some general emulator and museum links.
4JAYS Classic Video Games - category: vendors - Some Atari 8-bit stuff for sale, plus other platforms too
6502 Cross-Development Languages and Tools List - category: 6502 - Lots of links to 6502 development tools, including cross assemblers, disassemblers, debuggers, C and Forth compilers
8 Biscuits - category: resources - Games and demos for download, with a description and rating for each, an emulator for download and some links.
8bit atari - category: resources - Not much on the page, but has a link to the local ftp archive with a number of files
8-Bit Rot - category: nostalgia - Atari 8-bit computer pictures and specs, and cart lists, plus 2600/5200/7800 cart lists, also some 2600 rare cart scans
8-Bit-Nirvana: Atari - category: nostalgia - Piccies and specs for the 8-bit range of computers and some Atari history, in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
A.B.B.U.C. e.V. Homepage - category: usergroups - The Atari Bit Byter User Club page, with photos, news, club details, computer specs and photos, PD Shop, Regional sub-group list, software and hardware for sale, discussion forum, links and more. Also available here. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation
ABBUC News Archiv - category: resources - The ABBUC News archive, in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
About the Atari 800 web server - category: misc - Details of an Atari 800 that was set up as a web server, connected to the interner via a terminal server, along with BASIC source code.
ACE: Atari Computer Emulator (800/XL/XE) - category: emulators - Atari 8-bit emulator for Unix, it hasn't been updated recently though, also available by ftp
Acmenet Atari 400/800 Series Computer Collection - category: nostalgia - Pictures of several items of hardware, software with pictures of disks/cassettes, boxes and some screen shots and downloads, cover scans of many Atari User, Page 6 and New Atari User magazines, and some book cover scans.
Adventureland - category: games - Lists of adventure games for classic machines, including Atari 8-bit, along with images and info on the companies that released them, also available here
AiDS MaIN - category: resources - Files for download, including demos, utilities, emulators and others. In Polish.
Alan's Classic Video Games Home Page - category: nostalgia - Atari 8-bit (and other systems) cart list/trade and some links
Alex's Classic Computer links - category: links - A few Atari 8-bit links as well as for other classic computer systems
All known Atari 800/XL/XE Cartridges - category: nostalgia - Alphabetical list of cartridges, with company, code and release date
Allen's Halloween Page: Atari 800 Robotics - category: resources - Details of the Atari 800, and how to program it to control external devices and acquire data, along with a few links. Atari Computer page - category: vendors - Carts, disks, cassettes, books, magazines and accessories available for the Atari 8-bit, as well as for other systems too. As well as a short history of gaming.
Alpha Omega Systems Atari 8bit page - category: links - A few links for emulators and 2600 and not much else
Alternate Reality - The Star Wizard's Guild - Welcome! - category: games - Alternate Reality news, info, manual covers, and more
Alternate Reality on the Web - category: games - Alternate Reality Page, with maps, files for download, pictures, documents, hints and more
Alternate Reality Page - category: games - Some AR bits and pieces here, including Usenet postings by Philip Price
Andrew Krieg's Video Game Hunter's Oasis - category: nostalgia - Lists of 800/XL/XE carts and 5200 carts with company, year, rarity, an cartridge number
APE - Atari Peripheral Emulator Home Page - category: emulators - Atari Peripheral Emulator (APE)'s Homepage, Ape Warp+ OS - hardware OS replacement for XL/XE's, Imagic 1.05 ATR<->XFD<->DCM<->SCP conversion, and Dis6502 6502 disassembler for PC's
Associated Enterprises - category: vendors - Atari hardware and cartridges for sale
ATARI - category: games - Screen shots, cover scans, descriptions, hints and maps for several games, including Goonies, Henry's House, Miecze Valdgira, Ninja, Zorro and more.
Atari - category: links - Several links to other Atari 8-bit pages, with some other information too. In czech.
Atari & Commodore Home Computer Museum - The Atari Exhibition - category: nostalgia - History of Atari and some good piccies of the 8-bit line, also has info on the other Atari games machines and computers
Atari 1400 XLD - category: nostalgia - Pictures and specs for many classic computers, including The Atari 8 range, with the 1450XLD, 1400XL, 1200XL, 400, 800, XL and XE range, Indus GT and Corvus Systems harddrive, Atari 800 motherboard and daughter cards pictures and information
Atari 2000 - category: resources - The Official site for Phoenix, the new Atari XL/XE web browser being devloped, and some links. Also available here
Atari 65XE Arabic version - category: misc - Pictures, information and screen shots of a rare Arabic 65XE
Atari 8 Bit Emulatoren - category: emulators - Emulator and ROM downloads, as well as the SAP netscape plugin for download, and a few links. automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atari 800 emulator on iPAQ (Linux) - category: emulators - Screenshots and downloads of a port of the Atari800 emulator for the iPAQ handheld computer.
ATARI 800XE - J.Pecher - category: nostalgia - A history of Atari computers, with photographs. Technical and user details of Atari 8-bit computers. Emulator information and links. Some sound tracks from 8-bit games in SAP format. In Czech.
Atari 8-bit - emulatory, gry - category: games - A couple of emulators and several games for download, tips and tricks for several games, a short history of Atari, a list of the different Atari 8-bit models and a description of them. In Polish.
ATARI 8-bit - RASTER - category: resources - Cool screen shots of some demos and games, FLOP magazine downloads. Also available here. In Czech.
ATARI 8-bit - RASTER - category: resources - MULTIJOY8 interface, allowing up to 8 joysticks to be connected to one Atari 8-bit machine, ATADIM a Windows utility for reading and modifying .ATR and .XFD files, DRATEX a PC utility for converting between character set layouts and LPTJOY/ATAJOY driver, allowing the connection of a standard Atari joystick to the parallel port on your PC. Also available through here in Czech, with more information and links in the Czech version.
Atari 8-bit & Linux - category: resources - Sio2pc 4.13, Floppy EMULator for linux, Bobterm docs, bobterm, reference manual and H/W mods and upgrades - mostly from Craig Lisowski's BRiTiSH Underground pages
Atari 8bit Alternative - category: games - Several alternative versions of games for download, including cheat versions and games fixed for different OS versions. In Spanish, automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atari 8bit Computer Links - category: resources - A list of mouse supporting programs, a download and instructions of Rescue at Rigel, a HIP viewer and some HIP pictures and a few links
Atari 8bit Computer Links - category: links - A few links here to Atari 8 pages.
Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions - category: resources - The comp.sys.atari.8bit Frequently Asked Questions document, with a wealth of information on the 8-bit. Also available at,,,,,
Atari 8-Bit Computers: Vendors and Developers List - category: vendors - A huge list of all known vendors and developers of Atari 8-bit systems. Also available at,,,,,
Atari 8-bit Cross-Platform development tools - category: resources - A couple of tools for cross platform development of Atari 8-bit programs
Atari 8-bit developers page - category: resources - List of unofficial 6502 opcodes, list of A8 OS's and list of languages available for the A8, revision A, B and C BASIC ROMs and OS ROMs for download.
Atari 8-bit Docs, Hints and Solutions - category: resources - Lots of game manuals, some solutions and other manuals too
Atari 8-bit Emulator Page
- category: emulators - Tony Smolar's page with info, reviews and links to available emulators
ATARI 8Bit Games and Demos - Homesoft - category: resources - Huge archive of games and demos for the 8-bit Atari with more than 2000 programs. A great site with some files for download that I've not seen anywhere else, each program also has a screen shot available to view before you download! Also available here.
Atari 8-bit JPEG Viewers - category: resources - View and convert JPEGs on your Atari 8-bit, with this JPEG decoder and viewer, ported from the C=64, complete with source code available for download. Also available here.
Atari 8-bit Page - category: links - Wes Hinsley's page, lots of links, and lots of colours =) also mirrored here, nice site
Atari 8-bit Power! - category: misc - Various Atari 8-bit emulators for download, Atari 8-bit computer's history and pictures, games for download with screenshots and some links. Has a nice Atari-like blue scree/font set up. In Russian.automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atari 8-bit Projects & Stuff - category: emulators - Links to XL-It 0.20, SID-LOAD 1.0.5, BINTRIM 1.0.1, AnaDisk 2.0.6, AnaDisk 2.0.7, DeAna, ImageMan 0.3 and TT, ROM documentation project and ROMCRC-32 program
Atari 8-bit Resort - category: resources - Marek Tomczyk's site, H/W mods, Lots of links, Demos, English/German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atari 8-bit Software List - category: nostalgia - List of commercial Atari 8-bit programs released in the USA with over 1000 titles, with company name, release date and format.
Atari 8-bit SpartaDOS Project - category: resources - Nelson Nieves' Atari 8-bit homepage, with the SpartaDOS X and MIO manuals online, and some SpartaDOS Utilities for download.
Atari 8-bit Stuff - category: resources - Atari 8-bit discussin forums, Action, Mac65, SpartaDOS X cartridge image downloads, 65816 patches for Atari800 emulator, Turbo-OS ROM, virtual PBI device source code, a library of many of the Atari custom chips for use with Eagle PCB v4.0 software, a machine language monitor/debugger/mini-assembler ported from the Apple, and editor/player for .AMP files, IDE schematics and more.
Atari 8-bit Utilities - category: emulators - Preston Crow's page of Atari 8-bit utilities, DCM and ATR conversion, binary load menus, anadisk and deana, SIO2PC programs, Binary load file analyzer
Atari 8bit-zone - category: games - Screenshots and Downloads of many eastern european games. In Polish.
Atari Archives - category: nostalgia - Electric Escape, Robert Jung's page on Atari, covers all things Atari including The Atari Timeline, and many other interesting bits and pieces
Atari Cartridge Dumping Project - category: resources - Details of the Atari Cartridge Dumping Project, an attempt to gather as much information as possible about every cartridge ever produced for the Atari 8-bit computer. Information on how to dump cartridges to disk, cartridge screenshots, cartridge connector details, bank switching details for several cartridge types, and more.
Atari Central - category: resources - Under construction, some links and downloads
Atari Central - category: links - List of links to other Atari 8-bit pages, also has list of european Atari 8-bit events and reports.
Atari Commercial Archive - category: nostalgia - A collection of Atari commercials in .avi format, with some for the Atari 8-bit computers
Atari Computer Database - category: nostalgia - Pictures, specs and history of ATari computers, including the 8-bit line
Atari Computer Enthusiasts of Columbus - category: usergroups - Details of the group, along with meeting location and dates, pictures of the swap meet, and some links to other pages. Also available here.
Atari Flashback - category: nostalgia - Computer piccies, links and the SIO2PC schematics
Atari Gaming Headquarters - category: resources - Vapourware piccies including 65XEP, 1055, XF351, some H/W mods, and other interesting stuff, deals with all Atari games machines too
Atari Hardware Showcase - category: nostalgia - Some nice piccies of various Atari hardware, including some of the 5200 and 8-bit computer lines
Atari Home Computers - category: nostalgia - Pictures of several Atari 8-bit systems, including 400, 800, 130XE, XE Games system, 600XL, 800XL and 1200XL, and a list of carts.
atari homepage - category: resources - Details of the myIDE harddisk interface for the Atari 800 and XL/XE, with schematics and software, scan of ILIFE magazine article, Atari hardware and software owned and more.
Atari Internet Magazyn - category: resources - Nice site, with links, lots of hardware mods and schematics, and other info, in Polish.
Atari Island - category: nostalgia - Some pictures of a Micro MainFrame, 810 Turbo and 8 Drive Copy System, still under construction
Atari Mania - category: nostalgia - A great site, with the history of the video game industry, a list of Atari games consoles and computers, Atari gifs, sounds and links
Atari Mega Game Images - category: resources - A copy of Holme's and Natty's Mega images.
Atari Planet - category: resources - Home of the Atari 8bit Support BBS's List, Atari interactive discussion and some links and files
Atari SAP Music Archive
- category: resources - The Official Atari SAP Music Archive homepage, with over 1000 tunes for the SAP player, that plays Atari 8-bit tunes on other platforms including Windows, Linux, MacOS and others. With mirrors here and here.
Atari Strikes Back - category: resources - Nice site, with emulators, tools, utilities, and games for download, game maps, links and more. In Polish.
Atari Stuff - category: resources - TurboTari, an extended BASIC and Atari architecture emulator for the PC, games collection for download with a description and a screenshot of the games, and a version of the Atari colour palette
Atari Stuff - category: links - Dave Bennet's page, a few links
Atari technical documents: Atari 8bits - category: resources - Part of the Atari Historical Society's site, but worth listing on its own merits. Technical documentation for several of the Atari 8-bit's custom chips, including ANTIC, GTIA and POKEY, as well as technical information on the Atari Speech Handler, 1400/1450 Modem, SIO Interface Handbook and more.
Atari User Groups Homepages - category: usergroups - A few links to some Atari user groups homepages
Atari XL - category: resources - Info on msc hard disk interface, picture of the board and download area, with documents, in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
ATARI XL Downloads - category: resources - Several demos, and several issues of ECS-Info-Mag, CCB-Club-Mag, STARSOFT Mag and TOP Magazin.
Atari XL/XE and MIDI - category: resources - Chaos Music Composer files, MIDI interface for 8-bit Atari's, MIDI software and files, information and files for extra memory on an 130XE and some links.
Atari XL/XE Emulatoren und Games - category: emulators - Several versions of Atari emulators for download, along with system ROMs, and many games for download. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atari XL/XE Games And Demos Page - category: resources - Index of Megaimages at Yogi's with some descriptions and more info, huge list of demos for download, DOS II/+ description, H/W mods for XC12 and RAM expansions, most pages are in English, but there is one page in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atariáda Prostejov - category: misc - Details of Atariada meetings, with photos of past meetings and details of the next one.
atari.area - category: resources - Good site with H/W schematics, BASIC and ROM versions for download, utilities for download, demo scene, emulators, Vector game screen shots, and more. In Polish. - category: resources - Atari 8 bit .cas project and archive, with some turbo tape files in .mp3 format / Home / The Definitive Atari Resource on the Internet - category: resources - The title says it all, one of the biggest Atari resources on the internet, dedicated to all Atari systems, including the 8-bit computers. With news, free subdomains, hit counters, discussion forums, and more.
Atari: from boom to bust and back again - category: nostalgia - Article on Atari, written in 1995, following Atari's fortunes through the years, and its plans for the future. The pages have been scanned, so it takes a long time to view them all.
Atari800Win - category: emulators - Freeware Atari 8-bit emulator front end for Win9x/NT, also WinFrotz a Z-Machine emulator for Win32 to play the Infocom adventure games, and a few links, also available here
Atari800Win PLus - category: emulators - Atari800Win PLus emulator home page, with the latest changes and downloads and some demos for download too, and some good links. Also available here. In English and Polish.
Atari800XL Emulation Page - category: emulators - Latest version of the Atari800 emulator code, along with DOS and Falcon ports of the emulator, and older version is also available here and here.
AtariAge - Have You Played Atari Today? (A.Yarusso, A.Bilstein) - category: resources - A site for all Atari systems, especially games systems. With a frequented discussion forum for the 8-bit computers, events list, an "under development" list, some links, some useful How To's (such as how to clean your cartridges/equipment) and more. - category: resources - A great resource with the full text of several books, including Mapping the Atari, Compute!'s first and second books of Atari Graphics, Atari Graphics and Arcade Game Design, The Best of Creative Computing, Computer Animation Primer, and Atari BASIC - A Self Teaching Guide, APX information and software, a copy of the Cleveland Freenet Atari SIG, The Old Hackers Atari User Group newsletter archive, several articles and a software library. With still more promised.
Atari-related Pages - category: links - Some links here to 8-bit sites
Atari-to-PC joysticks interface - category: resources - Schematics for an interface designed to connect Atari joysticks to your PC. Also A simple monitor cable for Atari computers
AtariWorld - category: resources - Info and links for the 8-bit, 16-bit and games systems, under construction
Atarka! Serwis użytkowników 8-bitowego Atari - category: resources - Many games for download, with some demos and disk magazines too, and emulators, transfer utilities, DOSes, ROMs and some utilities. Also has some photos of the an 800XL and 130XE complete with boxes.
Atreju's Floppy Alchemy - category: vendors - Atari floppy drives repair and sales service, also some DOS versions for download along with a commented version of the XL/XE OS
AUNT - category: usergroups - Atari Users of North Texas, user group for Atari computers and games machines, with a Who's Who list.
B & C ComputerVisions - category: vendors - Atari hardware and software for sale
Back In Time - category: nostalgia - A site for all Atari systems, including the 8-bit computers, with history, pictures, prototypes and emulator information.
Beco Tel - Home Page / Front Page - category: resources - H/W piccies, ATAR-Z-MODEM 1.2, BobTerm 1.23, DeTerm 1.59, Ice-T XE and PabQwk software for download
Best Electronics - category: vendors - Plenty of items for the 8-bits, including hardware, software, joysticks, chips, collectibles and much more.
Bienvenue sur la page de l'Atarien - category: nostalgia - Some pictures of a 600XL, and some screen shots of games, in French automatic altavista babelfish translation
Bit Busters Homepage - category: resources - Info on the Bit Busters and download area. Also available here.
Bob's Atari page - category: resources - Partial online version of Kyan Pascal Manual, Mapping the Atari, the docs for US doubler and some other files.
BOOB! - Other Emulators - category: emulators - Downloads of a version of the Atari800 emulator for the Dreamcast
Boot Factory 2000 - category: resources - Link to the Boot Factory 2000 BBS, and some files for download
BOSS Homepage - category: resources - BOSS - a graphical user interface for the 8-bit Atari. There are three different versions available, with screenshots, manuals and downloads available for each. A list of some Atari file types and their extensions, and some links. In German, with some English text. automatic altavista babelfish translation. Another version is also available here.
Bravo Sierra Computers - category: vendors - H/W, S/W and books catalog
BRiTiSH Underground Atari 8bit: - category: resources - Atari Technical Reference Manual, Hardware upgrade information, and other general information, and a mirror of justin's and yogi's ftp sites.
C.M.P.I's Website - category: nostalgia - Piccies and specs of the atari 8-bit range of computers, and the FAQ, along with other machines, also available in French
C=64 Software Houses - category: games - Information of and games from Interceptor and Llamasoft, mostly C=64 but with some Atari 8-bit stuff too.
Calagan's Gaming Hell - category: resources - Emulators and files, including all 22 of Yogi's MegaGames compilations with lists and some screen shots. The downloads don't appear to work at the moment though.
Catweasel Advanced Floppy Controller - category: vendors - For PC and Amiga, only the Amiga version supports Atari 8-bit disks and read only at that
CC65 - a freeware C compiler for 6502 based systems - category: resources - An up-to-date version of CC65, a cross compiler with the option for multiple target machines including the Atari 8 bit.
Charlie's Classic Game Collection Page - category: vendors - Some Atari 8-bit software for trade and wanted list
Chris Lam's Website - category: emulators - The home of Rainbow, Atari 8-bit emulator for Apple Mac and Windows 95 or NT and Direct X, with some utilites for download and a few links
Chris Lang's Retrocomputing Projects - category: resources - With details of a Super Video upgrade for PAL Atari 600XL's. Under construction.
Clarence's Atari 8 Bit Page - category: resources - Info and schematics for SIO2PC, ProSys, SuperVideo, ClearPic, speaker for 800XL/130XE and ICD USDoubler. Also available here.
Classic 8-Bit Atari
- category: vendors - Games for sale and trade, with some freeware available to download
Classic Atari - category: games - Several emulators and system ROMs for download, screen shots ratings and downloads of many good american and european games and some links.
Classic Computer Magazine Archive - category: resources - Digital Antic project, Online copies of Antic magazine
Classic Computers and Video Games - category: vendors - 8-bit stuff for sale
Classic Computers: The Atari 8 bit series - category: misc - General description and a simple comparison of some 8-bit models, with some links, compatibility issues and information from the FAQ.
Classic Game Links - category: links - A couple of dozen links to classic game sites, including atari 8-bit
Classic Home Video Games Museum - category: nostalgia - Info and piccies for the XEGS, cart variations and historical info on Atari, as well as hints for M.U.L.E.
Classic Video Games - category: nostalgia - Interview with FreeFall Associates - creators of Archon, and connect 6 Atari controllers to your PC with Multijoy Adapter
Classic video games for sale - category: vendors - Some Atari XL/XE hardware and software for sale, as well as for other systems. UK based.
Classic Video Games High Scores - category: games - High scores from classic video games, including around 100 Atari 8-bit computer games. Plenty of games, but not too many players, so get those joysticks out and submit a high score!
Cliff's Atari 8-bit Items For Sale - category: vendors - Some software, hardware, magazines and books for sale
Colin's Atari 8-Bit Emulation Page - category: games - Several games in ATR format for download, along with a few links
collection - category: nostalgia - Collection of old computers including a picture of an Atari 400
Computer and Video Game FAQs - category: resources - FAQ for the 5200 with lots of info on it, and other systems
Computer Emulation Resources - category: emulators - General info and tools for writing emulators, including 6502 emulation software
Computer History and Emulation Homepage - category: nostalgia - History of computers and a dinky little bit on atari 8-bits
Computer History and Internet History and Vintage Computers, oh my! - category: links - Lots of links to classic computer sites, included a few to Atari 8-bit sites.
CSS-Computer Software Services - category: vendors - The CSS homepage, with hardware and software for sale, including the Black Box, Hard Drive systems, XF upgrades, SIO cables and more
CyberRoach - category: resources - The covers and contents of many A.N.A.L.O.G magazine issues, as well as a list of video game books and ratings for them.
Dan Boris's 6502 Processor Page - category: 6502 - Info and links to 6502 and Tech. info for the 5200, ANALOG article comparing it to the 400/800's, 65xx processor info, 6502 emulators
Dan's Tribute to OSS - category: resources - Great site with information and articles on supercartridges, online copies of the Indus GT Drive manual and utilities, Monkey Wrench II , Pirate's Treasure Chest and S.A.M. (Software Automated Mouth) manuals, 1200XL upgrade projects, the Atari810 program for download, manuals for Broadsides, Galactic Adventures and Six-Gun Shootout, and more.
Das virtuelle Computermuseum - category: nostalgia - Old computers museum with some info and piccies of the Atari 8-bit line, in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Dave's Computer Systems, Details page - category: resources - An online copy of De Re Atari, and partial copies of Atari Software Protection Techniques and Advanced Atari Protection Techniques, also has the cartridge port pin assignments.
David's Rehabilitated Computer Collection - category: nostalgia - 400, 800, 1200XL and 130XE specs, along with a list of manuals and books, but there are some inaccuracies in the descriptions
dely`s Homepage - category: emulators - Atari800Win emulator and files for download, including some games and demos, in Polish - Atari Items for Auction - category: vendors - Search for Atari items for auction in Venezuela Mexico U.S.A. Uruguay Peru Colombia Chile Argentina Brazil. In Spanish/Portuguese.
DGS Homepage - category: vendors - Dean Garraghty's page, 8-bit catalog, P.D. software, used H/W and S/W
Digit Mania - category: misc - Atari 8-bit digits for use with HTML counters and clocks
DIGITAL PRESS ONLINE - category: games - Good Classic Games page, mostly for games machines but with some A8 references
ebay Atari 8-bit items - category: vendors - Atari 8-bit items for sale at e-bay, its a bidding war!
Eidolon's Inn - category: games - Info about various classic systems including the Atari 8-bit, as well as World of M.U.L.E. Also some Atari 8-bit emulator links and info.
EMU News Service - category: emulators - Lastest info on emulators for many platforms including Atari 8-bit emulators (although it might take some hunting for the A-8 stuff), updated frequently, with links to emulator's home pages - category: emulators - Links to emulators for the Mac and downloads, including Atari 8-bit emulators
Emulators Online - Atari 8 - category: emulators - Home of Xformer 2000 and Xformer cable details, with a download area - Join the Revolution - category: emulators - Nice site, dedicated to all emulators, with an Atari 8-bit section including several good games for download, a version of Atari800 and the OS for download, and help for the Goonies game.
Envision Home Page - category: resources - Darren Schebek's page, with details and download of Envision - a character and screen editor, along with documentation and the story behind it. Also a couple of games for download.
Eric's Atari Stuff - category: resources - Atari hardware Manual for download, 850 manual, and De Re Atari in HTML format.
Fannyho domovská stránka - category: resources - Atari page with several links, some downloads and manual for M.U.L.E.
Feeling like a lost cluster? DeFrag - category: emulators - Some links to Atari 8-bit emulation related pages, as well as emulators for other machines.
Flashback to Atari 8-bit Links and Files - category: links - A dozen or so atari 8-bit links here
Frankfurter Hardware - category: vendors - SIO2PC, PC-Xformer cable, Atari-PC interface, in German, and English
Free-6502 - category: 6502 - A 6502 compatible CPU core available for download, not 100% 6502 compatible though.
FujiMan's ATARI Homepage! - category: resources - ATR's of several DOS versions including 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, XL, XE and others, plus some links.
Galaxian for Atari Home Computers - category: games - A site devoted to Galaxian, including the Atari 8-bit version
Game Over - category: nostalgia - Mostly games consoles, with a few links, but the XL and XE are mentioned
Games: Video, Atari 400/800/1200 - category: vendors - S/W and H/W for sale
GamesDungeon - category: links - A few links here to Atari 8-bit related sites, mostly dealing with emulation.
Gareee's Desktop Wallpaper - category: misc - Desktop wallpaper scan of Reptilian and Protector II for your Windows desktop
GMG Headquarters - category: resources - Info on GMG group, and some of their files available for download, links
Google Search: Atari 8-bit - category: links - Google's list of Atari 8-bit sites. Automatically generated list of links related to the Atari 8-bit.
Google Search: comp.sys.atari.8bit - category: resources - Access the comp.sys.atari.8bit newsgroup through the web, with a wealth of information and an archive dating back many years, and the option to post your own messages to c.s.a.8
GREEN EGGS REPORT for news: comp.sys.atari.8bit - category: links - List of links collected from comp.sys.atari.8bit
HARD Software's Home Page - category: resources - Demos, Veronika, Cool Emotion, Joyride, nice graphics, but unfortunately not all the links are there
HCM: The Home Computer Museum - category: nostalgia - Some pictures and links of old computers, including the Atari 8-bit range
HeAvEn's Demo-Homepage-Index - category: resources - ANTIC modes, GTIA modes, Extended RAM info, Detecting which CPU code is running on, unofficial 6502 op-codes, demos, assemblers for download and more info, good site with technical info. Also available here and here.
HiassofT's Atari 8bit world - category: resources - Descriptions and downloads of software written, including AtariDsk for accessing Atari SS/DD 180K disk in a PC 5 1/4 disk drive; WriteAtr for writing double density ATR images to Atari Floppys using a 5 1/4 disk drive on the PC; and MyPDOS a small "gamedos" for loading files from MyDOS disks including subdirectories and large disks.
Highlander's Home - category: resources - Info and links on Atari 8-bits, with some files available for downloading, in German, automatic altavista babelfish translation.
Himü's Homepage - category: resources - Manuals for Atari BASIC and BIBO Assembler, De Re Atari and Die Hexenküche (Tips and tricks by Peter Finzel), ANTIC, GTIA, POKEY, FREDDY, 6502 and RAM chips information and pinouts, pictures of several Atari 8-bit computers, some links and more. In German.automatic altavista babelfish translation
Holmes Atari 8bit Games - category: resources - A huge collection of games for download, as well as emulators, top 100 games list, games reviews and links
home page stack - category: emulators - POOLDISK and POOLDISK II ordering info, and some emulator related utilities such as XDIR, XFD2ATR, ATR2XFD and others
Home XL-Project - category: resources - Some downloads here, including a few demos, utilities, games, a copy of Atari800Win Plus, as well as copies of TOP-Magazin, Compy Shop Magazin and Starsoft Magazin, in German, automatic altavista babelfish translation
Homepage Michael Geyer - Links - Computer - category: links - Some Atari 8-bit related links, as well as others.
Homepage Nyman: Atari 8 bit - category: links - A mixed bag of links to DOS's, upgrades, utilities and other home pages
Homepage of Nir Dary - category: resources - Details of the PAL-NTSC upgrage, and details and pictures of the Super Archiver, A/D Converter cartridge (with downloads), Super E Burner (with manual), and the Black Box (with manual and utilities).
I.C. When - category: nostalgia - A very comprehensive history of computers and video games, if it's not here, then it probably didn't happen!
Ian's Computer Collection - category: nostalgia - Some nice pictures of a few of the Atari 8-bit range of computers, with pictures of other machines too.
IK+ C-64 to Atari 8-bit Conversion Project Page - category: games - An effort to convert International Karate+ to the Atari 8-bit, with a download version available. Also a few links to other sites. In Polish.
Infocom, Imagination sold and serviced here - category: games - A page on the Infocom text adventure games, with information, articles, InvisiClues hints, transcripts, walkthroughs, maps and copies of Zork I, II and III for download (Win95 and DOS) and more. Also available here.
Infrared remote control gateway (IRG) - category: resources - Info on IRG, instructions and software, control your Atari by remote control, and control other devices from your Atari
Internet Magazine 8mi - category: misc - Atari 8-bit online magazine, with information on the 8-bit and details of the goings on in the Atari 8-bit world, links and some downloads. Also available
Isaac's Software Emporium - category: resources
- Some links a download of Scram with a few other BASIC programs, and an online copy of the Atari Basic Complier
Itay's Atari page - category: resources - Ice-T XE 2.72 and Ice-T 800 an Atari Winamp skin and a couple of other programs for download.
J.Y.B.O.L.A.C. "Just Your Basic On-line Atari Computer" - category: usergroups - J.Y.B.O.L.A.C.'s Atari special interest area, with a history of usergroups in the Dallas area, Dal-ACE disks and newsletter archive, several of pictures including an Atari 400 with Cherry Keyboard add-on, an 800XL in a Marble effect case, an Atari 800XE with box, a mega list of Atari users, a chat room with logs, and more.
jack's Home Page - category: games - Copies of M.U.L.E. for download, links, strategy tips, screen shots, and M.U.L.E. wallpaper and icons to download, as well as the theme tune, also a M.U.L.E. discussion forum
JAM Home Page - category: misc - Connect your 8-bit to a VGA or SVAG monitor with The Jam!!
Janko's ATARI 8-Bit Homepage (400/800/XL/XE) - category: nostalgia - Photos of hardware items, including an XEP80, 1064 expansion, XC12, 800, 1029, 810 and more, software box pictures, book cover pictures, emulator downloads, a large collection of PD software downloads In German.automatic altavista babelfish translation
JAY Software's Home Page - category: resources - Some download files here, including Turbobasic DOS and a version of Minesweeper for the 8-bit, and some links.
Jeff's Classic Computer Haven - category: nostalgia - Shorts descriptions and a picture or 2 of some Atari 8-bit computers and peripherals, and other systems too, a software list and some links.
Jerry Dunham's Atari Page - category: links - Links to Atari sites, including Atari 8-bit computer links
Jindroush's Main Page - category: resources - Home of the Atari Cartridge Dumping Project, lots of information including a list of Atari file formats and extensions with some descriptions, descriptions of DOS 2 and 3 formats, a list of CIO, SIO and DOS error numbers, 6502 op-codes and descriptions, hardware and ports information, SIO programming information, plenty of links, a huge list of software and more.
JLS Basic - category: resources - Details and downloads of JLS BASIc, a BASIC compiler for the XL/XE series, along with its history, manual and source code
Journey to the Planets - category: games - A page dedicate to this classic game, with the solution to some of the puzzles in the game. If you are stuck on this game, then you might just find the answer here. Also available here
JRC ONLINE - ATARI - category: resources - Some files for donwload and a few links, in Czech
JTKirk's Home Page - category: resources - Controller information, some files and links - or brave the frames! *argh!*
Keith's Atari Hardware & Software - category: vendors - A few Atari remnants of the Toad Computer's stock for sale
Kemals Atari Archiv - category: nostalgia - Kemal Ezcan's site, with A short history of Atari with a few pictures, and a history and pictures of KE-SOFT and the software and magazines produced by them. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Ken's Atari 8-bit Page - category: emulators - Utilities for download, mostly emulator related, ATR and XFD Utilities, KAsm65 and KLink65, some games, DOS sector layout documentation.
Kevan's Computer Bits - Atari - category: nostalgia - Old computer collection, with an XE Games System, Atari 400, 800, and 800XL, and some links to computer museum type sites
Kevin Atkinson's Atari Area - category: resources - Antic and Analog issue disks, as well as some other software.
KIM-I 6502 - category: 6502 - Atari BASIC Source Book for online viewing and download, 65xx Hardware and Programming manuals, and the KIM-I
Kohary's Cove - category: links - A selection of Atari 8-bit links here
Kory Keith's Links Page - category: links - A few Atari 8-bit links here
Last Party 28-30 XII 2000 - category: misc - Details of the Last Party 2000 and other copy parties, with photos, links, downloads, news and more. In Polish.
Lato Ludzików 2002! - category: resources - Details of copy parties. Also Details of Q-MEG OS, a download area, an SIO2PC schematic using a MAX 232 chip, Syzygy and Serious Magazine downloads and some links. Also available here. In Polish.
Len Spencer's Atari 8-bit Page - category: resources - HyperSpeed, Forem-XE Pro BBS info and files, links
Links - category: links - A list of computer museum links, including some for the Atari 8-bit
LINKS:Atari - category: links - 30+ links to other Atari pages
Links2Go: Atari 8-Bit Computers - category: links - Links2Go's list of "most relevant" links in the Atari 8-Bit Computer world. Some of these links are old and out of date though.
Links2Go: Atari 8-Bit Computers - category: links - A good selection of Atari 8-bit links
Links2Go: Atari User Groups - category: usergroups - Links2Go's list of Atari User Groups. A few links to user groups here.
Llamasoft Website - category: games - The Yak man's pages, what can I say? You've just got to see these. Oh, yeah, there are download versions of Hover Bovver and TurboFlex for the Atari 8-bit available as well as the history behind these games, and lots of other non-Atari related stuff.
Looking Back - category: nostalgia - Some ANALOG covers and information on Clayton Walnum's writing career
Loot Search & Browse - category: vendors - For sale adverts in Loot newspapers, UK
Mac/Atari Fusion - category: resources - Info on using your 8-bit with a Mac, including classic Atari style TrueType fonts for the Mac and PC, file transfer and more
MacFalkner's Homepage - category: resources - Atari Keyboard Interface, Atari Disassembler and Flash-Disk details, in German with some english translations, automatic altavista babelfish translation
MagnusSoft - category: resources - With downloads of several european games, including Monster Hunt (a Super Mario clone), The Laser Robot, Plot's, Galaxi Barkonid (Arkanoid clone) and Crazy Quader, along with descriptions of other games and tools. In German.automatic altavista babelfish translation
Mapping the Atari - category: resources - Ian Chadwick's Mapping the Atari, Revised Edition, online. THE Atari reference book.
MAS65 -- 6502 Macro Assembler - category: 6502 - 6502 Cross Assembler for MS-DOS and CP/M-Z80 systems
Mathy's first Homepage - category: resources - An assortment of files and utilities (including the source code and docs) for MyDOS, information and modifications for the Blackbox, information on ASPI - software that provides a common interface for different types of hard disk interfaces on the Atari, a general collection of miscellaneous information relating to the Atari 8-bit, and Mathy's own CDAP - a CD Audio Player for the Atari 8-bit.
Mein 8 Bit Museum - category: nostalgia - A site dedicated to several classic computers, including the Atari 8-bit, with 360 degree pictures of a 130XE, 800XL and 1050, with emulator and games downloads, a .PDF of De Re Atari, Atari Reference manual, links and more. Also available here and here. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation
MOS Technology Integrated Circuits - category: 6502 - Take a look inside the 6502
Mr. Bacardi's Homepage - category: resources - Downloads of many European games, listed by company, also some rare american games and prototypes available for download. Details of game protection mechanisms, AURA (Atari Union of Rabid Apostles) disks available for download, Grim Reaper disk mags, some demo disks, some utilities and tools including sector editors, DOSes, a Cruncher, an editor, an assembler, a disassembler and sound players, and some links. Also available here. Also some pictures of Manchester with someone who looks a tad like me in the background (ooer!).
Multi 6502 Emulator - category: emulators - Neil Bradley's 6502 emulator - ftp site, file is
Museo de los 8 Bits - category: nostalgia - Nice site with info on many 8 bit and some 16 bit machines, includes some decent descriptions of the 8-bit Atari range, and some nice photos, in Spanish automatic altavista babelfish translation
Museum of Dead, Gone & Obsolete Computers - category: nostalgia - With pictures and specs for the 400, 800, 600XL, 800XL, 1200XL, 1400XL, 1450XLD, 65XE, 130XE, some links, assorted peripherals and motherboard images
My Computer Hobby Pages - category: links - A small number of 8-bit links here
My computers & Historical Links - category: nostalgia - A few links and pictures of an Atari 800 and 65XE
MyAtari - The monthly on-line magazine for Atari users!
- category: resources - Free on-line for all Atari machines, with articles and information about our favourite computers, with back issues available for download.
MyMain - category: nostalgia - Some nice pictures and scans of a range of Atari 8-bit Hardware, and an online version of the SynFile+ manual. Also a few links to other pages.
NBS Atari Software - category: resources - William Kendrick's Page, with games, demos and utilities for download, also XL_Search - search the FTP archives for atari 8-bit files, emulator FAQ, Star Raiders Tribute Page and other stuff too.
Nick Kennedy's Page - category: resources - SIO2PC software for download, FAQ and diagrams, straight from the author's homepage. Also info on using AMAC and some other files
Nostalgia - category: resources - Many games available for download in .ATR, .CAS and .XEX formats, along with ABBUC and ANALOG disks, manuals and maps for various games from different systems. (Click on Pliki for download area). Also has a search option (click on Szukaj). In Polish.
Notatnik fanów starych komputerów - category: nostalgia - A site dedicated to 8-bit computers including the Atari range, with pictures and specs and emulators for download, a humour section, comparisons with other micros, chat room and links. In Polish.
Nurmix Web Central - category: nostalgia - Some Atari 8-bit history, information, pictures and links, with a small download section.
o mnie - category: games - Screenshots, details and downloads for several good games. In Polish.
Obsolete cc65 page - category: links - A couple of links to cc65 C compiler pages
Obsolete Computer Museum - category: nostalgia - Atari 800 (some with the cartridge slots and memory cards exposed), 800XL and 810 piccies, and some links.
Old Computer Magazine Website - category: nostalgia - A site devoted to old UK computer mags, including Atari User, with cover scans of many issues, with a general description of the mag and an interview with Paul Irvine.
Oliver´s Atari-Archiv - category: resources - Several 5200 games for download, along with emulators for all Atari 8-bit systems. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation.
OMC Games - category: games - General games site for all platforms, and journal, new atari 8-bit game promised too, so lets see if it happens or not
Orphaned Computers & Game Systems - category: nostalgia - On-line newsletter for classic computers and video games, looking at many aspects of the classic systems and games. - category: resources - A computer games nostalgic trip for Atari 8-bit machines and others. Download games some cheat versions and tunes and other stuff.
Ozzy's Computer Emulation Page - category: emulators - Emulator links for many machines including the Atari 8-bits some links here, along with OS images
Page 6 [New Atari User] - category: resources - An online archive of the Page 6 / New Atari User magazine, this was a UK magazine dedicated to the Atari 8-bit (with some ST content too) that ran for 85 issues from 1983 to 1998. With cover scans of all issues and the content from some of them, with more promised.
Pairman Atari 8-bit Stuff - category: resources - A TTF of the Atari Character set, a copy of Rob Funk's Stuff, a list of useful info, including Atari 8-bit reference cards with BASIC commands, XIO commands, useful memory addresses, adding a Parallel Bus Interface to a 1200XL, a dual PIA modification, and some links.
Patrick's Atari Classics Page - category: nostalgia - General Atari games stuff with a few 8-bit computer bits, plus swirling fuji logo, with lists of h/w and s/w owned and favourite games.
PDD'S Adventure Page - category: games - Links and files related to adventure games, including Infocom, Magnetic Scrolls, Level 9 and Adventure International
Pete Garriga's Beyond .... The Black Stump Atari Page - category: links - A number or links, also mirrored here, and available here too.
Philippe PVBest's Atari 8bits Web Site - category: resources - Atari File Designer a utility for transfering files to and from an Atari disk drive and the PC for MSDOS, Atari Monitor a utility to view, modify and disassembler the contents of .XFD files running under MSDOS, Atari Rom File Designer a combination of Atari File Designer and Atari Monitor that runs under Windows. Also has some technical information on the Atari 8-bit and some links.
PHOAKS: Resources for comp.sys.atari.8bit - category: links - Atari 8-bit links posted in comp.sys.atari.8bit
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns - category: resources - Maps and binaries for Pitfall II for various platforms, with a couple of .mid files tooautomatic altavista babelfish translation
Planet IRATA - category: games - A site devoted to M.U.L.E. with several clone versions available for download for different platforms. Site under development, not all links work, but what is there looks good. Also has some links and emulators for download.
Planet Irata... World of Atari - category: nostalgia - For all Atari products, including the Atari 8-bit computers, with history, piccies, specs, Tips and tricks, Reference Manual and more
Pocked Atari - category: emulators - A port of the Atari800 Emulator for Pocket PCs
Pokey Soft Main Page - category: nostalgia - List of 8-bit hardware and software owned and for trade, a few links and some files for download, also good and bad traders list
POKEY Sound Emulation - category: emulators - Ron Fries POKEY sound emulation routines for download
QNTAL's Homepage - category: links - A few Atari 8-bit links here. Also available here. In German, automatic altavista babelfish translation
Quasimodos - category: misc - Details of the Quasimodos group, with members and history. Also the group's demos, intros, games and tools for download, and tunes available in various formats, some links and photos. Available in English and Polish.
Quick Basic - my programs, my hobby - category: links - A few links, one piccie and a file with some Basic applications
Ray Wilmott's Atari Links - category: nostalgia - Looking back at the Atari 8-bit range, with a few piccies, links and pointers to emulators
READY Technologies - category: vendors - Offers software systems design for the 8-bit Atari and other platforms, media conversion and list of 8-bit s/w produced
red web site - category: resources - REDRAVEN's page, under the bonnet of the 130XE, a few file images and ROMs, with English and French versions
REEVEsoft - History - category: nostalgia - From the people who created the Diamond GOS. A look back at the company's beginning, and an Antic cover
RELAG - Ruhr-Emscher-Lippe-Arbeitsgemeinschaft - category: usergroups - An ABBUC regional group, with group history, groups activities and contact information. In German.automatic altavista babelfish translation
Remembering Atari - category: nostalgia - A personal trip down the Atari years, with some pictures and links, makes a nice read.
Reminiscing: 8-bit Atari Games - category: nostalgia - A nice site with game screen shots, Guess the game quiz, emulator and other links, and an Atari font for the Mac
Retrogames, Sauron's Corner - category: vendors - Games for many systems for trade or sale, including Atari 8-bit items.
Rick Cortese - category: resources - Instructions for building an SIO to PC cable, and a picture of Alternate Reality cover art.
Ricks' Website - category: resources - Rick Detlefsen's website, with details of "Eight" a set of useful add on routines for the O.S. and programs, list of Texas user groups with meeting details and events, links to the online Atari chats, list of hardware projects, memory upgrade, keyboard connection grid, floppy drive information, ATR-8000 and manual, OSS supercart info, some software for download, and more.
Robert's Homepage - category: links - Atari 8-bit and other links, also available here
Russ Gilbert's Home Page - category: resources - Some links here, used to have some Atari 8-bit book programs, but they have been removed, you can still get them by e-mail
Ryan's Tribute to the Classic Atari - category: resources - Switchable OS diagram, US Doubler ROM image, and links
SAGE Home Page - category: usergroups - Details of the Spectrum Atari Group Of Erie, located in Erie, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. With a list of its library. The page looks out of date though.
Saltine's 6502 op-code list - category: 6502 - List of 6502's op codes
Satantronic Atari Crew - category: resources - Atari 8-bit files for download, including a demo and some utils
Securities and Exchange Commision Report - category: misc - Details of JTS Corporation's sale of Atari to Hasbro Interactive
Sheddy's Shack - Atari 130XE Space Harrier Conversion Project - category: games - An effort to convert Space Harrier to the Atari 8-bit, with a downloadable demo version available.
Silicium : Atari - category: nostalgia - Computer museum with 600XL, 800XL, XEGS and a nice 800XE picture, also some links and emulators for download, mostly in French automatic altavista babelfish translation
Sintech-homepage - category: vendors - Atari XL/XE software for sale, disks, tapes, carts
Slight SID - category: misc - Photographs of Slight SID, an attempt to put a C=64 SID sound chip into the Atari 8-bit.
Small Fry Web Page - category: nostalgia - A brief history of Atari computers, some pictures and links
Smed's Home Page - category: nostalgia - Mostly games consoles, but with a bit on the 1984 Crash
SPACE: Saint Paul ATARI Computer Enthusiasts - category: usergroups - Info on SPACE and their newsletters online
Spudsian Atari 8-bit Collection - category: nostalgia - Atari 8-bit collection list and a few links
ST Informer Magazine - category: resources - Online magazine, mostly ST but covers all machines with some 8-bit info
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Atari 8bit series - category: emulators - Emulator site for many systems including the Atari 8bit series and 5200 with downloads, also some s/w for download and some links, although the emulators are a bit dated now
Steve Cooper's Computer/Game Page - category: nostalgia - Personal computer collection, with a list of h/w, some Atari pictures and a few links
Steve R's Classic Cartridge Page - category: vendors - H/W, S/W, books and mags for sale for several classic systems, including the Atari 8-bit computers
Steve's 'History of Atari Computers' home - category: nostalgia - A history of Atari, including the 8-bit era, with nice pictures of the computer range, 800 memory cards, peripherals and software .
Steve's History of Atari Computers' home - category: nostalgia - History of Atari computers and games consoles, including the 8-bit computer line
Stray Kat Productions - category: vendors - Some Atari 8-bit stuff for sale/trade, mostly a Lynx/Jaguar site
Strefa Atari: Wstep - category: resources - Emulators, ROMs and utilities for download, descriptions screen shots and downloads for several european games, music players and collections, drawing programs and more. In Polish
Swiat Malego Atari - category: games - Atari 8-bit computers specs and history, several games for download, emulators for download, favourite game tunes with online versions in SAP format and some links. In Polish.
Syd Bolton - Classic Computers - category: nostalgia - A dinky little bit on 8-bit Atari's, with a list of systems owned
Tajemnice Atari - unofficial digital archive - category: resources - Online copies of the Polish TA magazine. Looks good, but hard to understand unless you read Polish. The downloads and game maps should be understandable in any language though =).Polish version. In Polish.
TalkAtari Atari.Org Forums - category: resources - Atari discussion forums, including an Atari 8-bit forum. A decent discussion forum, with semi-frequent posts.
Telegames Atari Products Menu - category: vendors - S/W available from Telegames for the 400/800 and other Atari platforms
The 8-Bit Atari Mod Home Page - category: resources - Add a LED to your ramdisk, and links.
The Anarchistic Atari Page - category: resources - A selection of ROMS available to download and burn, including Action, Basic XL, Basic XE, SpartaDOS X and server Atari O.S., Amy development disks, ZAP! and more for download
The Atari 400/800 and OSS - category: nostalgia - The story of the birth of the 400/800, Atari BASIC and the FMS, by Bill Wilkinson.
The Atari 800 Emulator for the Mac - category: emulators - A port of the Atari800 emulator to the Mac.
The Atari 8-bit Computer WebRing Homepage - category: links - The homepage for the WebRing dedicated to Atari 8-bit computers, with many Atari 8-bit pages, follow the links in the ring, or add your own page to it.
The Atari 8-bit Hardware Upgrade, Modification and Add-On FAQ - category: resources - A list of many hardware upgrades available, including RAM, video, sound and disk drive upgrades. Also available here
The Atari 8-Bit Homepage - category: resources - Ivo van Poorten's page, H/W piccies, S/W, pinouts, docs, 6502 bugs, vt100 codes, Mega Magazine and more
The Atari 8-bit New User Emulator Help FAQ - category: emulators - An introduction to the Atari 8-bit emulator for newbies, it is a tad out of date though. Also available at and And in">Spanish too.
THE ATARI DEVELOPPER RESOURCE - category: resources - An interactive 6502 disassembler for Windows and several links to other Atari 8-bit pages
The Atari Hangout - category: misc - Online Atari chats, held at regular intervals.
THE ATARI INSIDE Home Page - category: resources - Info on The Atari Inside BBS - now defunct, and a demo for download
The Atari Library - Atari 8Bit Computer Systems - category: nostalgia - Some piccies and specs for the 8-bit H/W range
The Atari Time Machine - category: misc - Atari Explorer's website, nothing there yet, but we are promised that all good things come to those who wait (and wait, and wait...).
The Atari Times - category: misc - On-line Atari newsletter, covering all Atari machines, there's a little bit here and there on the 8-bit if you hunt for it
The Atari Vaporware & Prototypes Site - category: nostalgia - Curt Vendel's site, great piccies of 1400XL, 1200XL, 1090XL and others, well worth a look
The Atari Years - category: resources - Steve Lashower's Labyrinths, Antic Music Processor and Antic Sampling Processor.
The Classic Video Game Cartridge List Server - category: nostalgia - List of carts for 400/800 with manufacturer and cart number, along with lists for other systems too
The Closer To Home Web Page - category: resources - Great site with lots of links, files for download, web chat and much more
The Collectible ULTIMA - category: games - Information on all the Ultima versions for all platforms, and lists of books and other accessories.
The Console Museum - category: resources - Hardware pictures, some software and emulators for download, covers many other systems too.
The Fridge - category: 6502 - C=64 site, but with useful 6502 assembler code, including math routines
The History of Home Video Games Homepage - category: nostalgia - Cartridge based video game systems through the years, with an Atari 5200 section, check out the Star Raiders and Realsports Football tips page under 1982->5200, also a description of the 5200 memory map and differences from the 400/800
The Home Computer Hall of Fame - category: nostalgia - Pictures and specs for many home computers, including the 400, 800, 600XL, and 800XL and some historical info
The humming home page - category: resources - Description of Diskcomm files, and DCM2ATR, WAV2CAS, and CAS2WAV files for download.
The Last Hope BBS Home Page - category: resources - Info on The Last Hope BBS, list of files, users and message bases
The Machine Room - category: nostalgia - Piccies and specs of many machines including the Atari 400, 800, XL and XE ranges, with reasonably complete descriptions.
The Nordic Atari Show 1999 - category: misc - Info on the Nordic Atari Show, mostly in Swedish, but with some English
The official MESS Home Page - category: emulators - An emulator for several machines including Atari 5200 and Atari 800 for UNIX, DOS, Mac and Amiga, with sources and binaries for download
The Original Alternate Reality Homepage - category: games - Info on Alternate Reality, maps, hints, documents, pictures, and more
The Toronto Atari Federation Home Page - category: usergroups - Info on the TAF User group
The Unfinished Projects Page - category: misc - Some of David Wyn Davies' unfinished projects
The Vent - Atari Page - category: nostalgia - A nostalgic look at some of Atari's 8-bit computers and some links
The Video Game High Score Page - category: games - Atari 400/800/XL/XE High Scores quite a few games listed, but not too many players. High scores for other platforms too
The Vintage Gaming Network - category: emulators - Page dedicated to emulators for many machines, including various Atari 8-bit Emulators for download
Tinker Atari Computer Enthusiasts - category: resources - Online copy of the SynAssembler manual, instructions for Cross Town Crazy 8, several pictures and an article of Percom drives, with SynAssembler XL, an ATR to disk utility and a Boot Maker program available for download. Also has a few links to other sites.
Tips & Tricks zum Atari 800XL - category: resources - A couple of files on monitor cables and floppy speeders, in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Tolkien computer games for the Atari 400 - category: games - Info on Tolkien adventure games for the atari 8bits: Adventure Quest, Colossal Adventure, Dungeon Adventure with links to solutions, as well as a couple of unreleased titles.
Tom D'Ambrosio's "Break Movie" Warehouse
- category: resources - Nice site, with collection of Atari 8-bit Atascii Movies
Tomas Meyer's ATARI 8-BIT PAGES - category: resources - Turbo-Basic XL and Compiler listing scans for download
Tony Brown's Computer Collection - category: nostalgia - Pictures of the 400, 800, 800XL and 130XE, along with other systems
Trailing Edge Atari 8-Bit Pages - category: links - A Couple of Atari 8 links, nothing much right now, but more promised
Trevin Beattie's Atari Technical Information - category: resources - Info on 6502, ANTIC, CTIA/GTIA, Pokey and PIA, with pinouts, instructions and registers
TrinitySite - category: misc - List of demos scene coders, and some information about them. In Polish.
triple-a-mag - Das Fanzine fü Atari, Acorn & Amiga User. - category: misc - Details of Triple-A-Mag, a magazine for Atari, Acorn and Amiga users, with order details. Not sure how much 8-bit content this has though. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation
TWH's atari related homepage - category: nostalgia - A huge list of games, with release date and company, top 5 games with a list of some of the best Atari 8-bit games producers, and a lot of game cover scans.
umich archive via www - category: resources - Another way to get into the umich archive
Unconventional Party Society - category: misc - Details of the Unconventional Party Society, who organise Atari events in Europe, with details of upcoming events, photos and details of previous events, and details of who intends to come to future events.
Vítejte...homepage... - category: misc - Not sure what this page is about, but there's lots of text and it looks Atari 8-bit related, in Czech?
Vector - category: games - Screenshots of a DOOM clone for the Atari 8-bit. No downloads available yet though.
Video 61 & Atari Sales - category: vendors - Atari 8-bit hardware and software for sale, including plenty of carts and some disks too
Video Game Advantage - category: games - Atari 8-bit game screen shots, cartridge list, and a copy of the FAQ, plus other systems
VIDEOTOPIA - category: nostalgia - The history of Arcade games, well worth a look, includes Atari Pong, 2600, 5200 and 400, with plenty of info on Atari
VJETNAM Atari 8-bit Games Archive - category: resources - A huge download area, with ATRs of many games, some of them with screen shots and other information, Emulators and system ROMs also available for download. A top 20 games list rated by number of downloads and by number of votes, several discussion boards, some with frequent posts and some links.
voicenet - category: vendors - Atari H/W and S/W for sale
Wacko Software's home page - category: resources - Mostly for the ST, but with Line Crash, an Atari 8-bit game available for download.
Webtitan's Home Page - category: games - Pages dedicated to Alternate Reality, M.U.L.E., and Ultima, with some links to external sites. Nices pages, although some of the links are broken.
Welcome to AliBoom! - category: links - A site for all Atari computers, including "Whatever happened to", a good selection of links, reference desk, site also available here
Welcome to HCRBurk's Homepage ! - category: resources - SUBMON and ATARI FileManagement for download and some links, in German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Welcome to jfurlong's public Atari folder - category: links - A few links Atari 8-bit related pages
Welcome to the Atari 8-Bit world of WASEO - category: misc - Information about WASEO with some ATR utilites for download, WASEO info, WASEO demos and games, and a few links, in German and English, automatic altavista babelfish translation
Welcome to the Atari Times - category: misc - An online newsletter for all Atari systems, including pictures and games reviews, with reviews of Alternate Reality: The City, Archon, and Unicum for the 8-bit computer line. An article on Laser Hawk and Hawk Quest written by one of the authors, an interview with James Hague, and a good selection of links.
Welcome to the Giant List of Classic Game Programmers - category: nostalgia - List of S/W authors and their games on the 'classic' machines, which the Atari 8-bit is (of course!) one of.
Wells World - The official Tracer Homepage - category: nostalgia - Atari pictures, the tale behind Tracer - a Tron light cycles type game, screen shots, links, and downloads.
Willkommen bei Sintech - category: vendors - Selling hardware and software for several classic systems, including Atari 8-bit computers, with a decent selection of items for sale.
World of Atari 98 - category: nostalgia - Pictures from the World of Atari 98 show in Las Vegas, Aug 21-23. Photographs of rare items, including Atari 8-bit computers and peripherals.
www to - category: 6502 - C=64 site but some useful 6502 stuff, such as cross assemblers - category: 6502 - Plenty of links and information relating to the 6502 and related chips
xasm home page - category: resources - xasm - a set of development tools for creating Atari 8-bit programs on a PC, including a cross-assembler and some utilities for handling Atari executables.
YAC -- User Groups List - category: usergroups - List of webpages and e-mail address for Atari user groups. A lot of the links are dead though.
Yahoo! Auctions - Atari - category: vendors - Atari items for auction at Yahoo
Z Systems Company - category: vendors - 8-bit and ST items for sale, with a hardware mods section promised