24 Links, Last Updated 2002/7/15
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good site - well worth a look
great site - must see!
Last Party 28-30 XII 2000 - Details of the Last Party 2000 and other copy parties, with photos, links, downloads, news and more. In Polish.
About the Atari 800 web server - Details of an Atari 800 that was set up as a web server, connected to the interner via a terminal server, along with BASIC source code.
Atari 65XE Arabic version - Pictures, information and screen shots of a rare Arabic 65XE
Atari 8-bit Power! - Various Atari 8-bit emulators for download, Atari 8-bit computer's history and pictures, games for download with screenshots and some links. Has a nice Atari-like blue scree/font set up. In Russian.automatic altavista babelfish translation
Atariáda Prostejov - Details of Atariada meetings, with photos of past meetings and details of the next one.
Internet Magazine 8mi - Atari 8-bit online magazine, with information on the 8-bit and details of the goings on in the Atari 8-bit world, links and some downloads. Also available
- Details of the Quasimodos group, with members and history. Also the group's demos, intros, games and tools for download, and tunes available in various formats, some links and photos. Available in English and Polish.
Slight SID - Photographs of Slight SID, an attempt to put a C=64 SID sound chip into the Atari 8-bit.
The Atari Hangout - Online Atari chats, held at regular intervals.
TrinitySite - List of demos scene coders, and some information about them. In Polish.
Unconventional Party Society - Details of the Unconventional Party Society, who organise Atari events in Europe, with details of upcoming events, photos and details of previous events, and details of who intends to come to future events.
Vítejte...homepage... - Not sure what this page is about, but there's lots of text and it looks Atari 8-bit related, in Czech?
Welcome to the Atari Times - An online newsletter for all Atari systems, including pictures and games reviews, with reviews of Alternate Reality: The City, Archon, and Unicum for the 8-bit computer line. An article on Laser Hawk and Hawk Quest written by one of the authors, an interview with James Hague, and a good selection of links.
Classic Computers: The Atari 8 bit series - General description and a simple comparison of some 8-bit models, with some links, compatibility issues and information from the FAQ.
Digit Mania - Atari 8-bit digits for use with HTML counters and clocks
Gareee's Desktop Wallpaper - Desktop wallpaper scan of Reptilian and Protector II for your Windows desktop
JAM Home Page - Connect your 8-bit to a VGA or SVAG monitor with The Jam!!
Securities and Exchange Commision Report - Details of JTS Corporation's sale of Atari to Hasbro Interactive
The Atari Time Machine - Atari Explorer's website, nothing there yet, but we are promised that all good things come to those who wait (and wait, and wait...).
The Atari Times - On-line Atari newsletter, covering all Atari machines, there's a little bit here and there on the 8-bit if you hunt for it
The Nordic Atari Show 1999 - Info on the Nordic Atari Show, mostly in Swedish, but with some English
The Unfinished Projects Page - Some of David Wyn Davies' unfinished projects
triple-a-mag - Das Fanzine fü Atari, Acorn & Amiga User. - Details of Triple-A-Mag, a magazine for Atari, Acorn and Amiga users, with order details. Not sure how much 8-bit content this has though. In German automatic altavista babelfish translation
Welcome to the Atari 8-Bit world of WASEO - Information about WASEO with some ATR utilites for download, WASEO info, WASEO demos and games, and a few links, in German and English, automatic altavista babelfish translation