Game Links
33 Links, Last Updated 2002/7/21
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good site - well worth a look
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Adventureland - Lists of adventure games for classic machines, including Atari 8-bit, along with images and info on the companies that released them, also available here
Alternate Reality on the Web - Alternate Reality Page, with maps, files for download, pictures, documents, hints and more
Classic Atari - Several emulators and system ROMs for download, screen shots ratings and downloads of many good american and european games and some links.
Infocom, Imagination sold and serviced here - A page on the Infocom text adventure games, with information, articles, InvisiClues hints, transcripts, walkthroughs, maps and copies of Zork I, II and III for download (Win95 and DOS) and more. Also available here.
ATARI - Screen shots, cover scans, descriptions, hints and maps for several games, including Goonies, Henry's House, Miecze Valdgira, Ninja, Zorro and more.
Atari 8-bit - emulatory, gry - A couple of emulators and several games for download, tips and tricks for several games, a short history of Atari, a list of the different Atari 8-bit models and a description of them. In Polish.
Atari 8bit-zone - Screenshots and Downloads of many eastern european games. In Polish.
Classic Video Games High Scores - High scores from classic video games, including around 100 Atari 8-bit computer games. Plenty of games, but not too many players, so get those joysticks out and submit a high score!
Eidolon's Inn - Info about various classic systems including the Atari 8-bit, as well as World of M.U.L.E. Also some Atari 8-bit emulator links and info.
IK+ C-64 to Atari 8-bit Conversion Project Page - An effort to convert International Karate+ to the Atari 8-bit, with a download version available. Also a few links to other sites. In Polish.
jack's Home Page - Copies of M.U.L.E. for download, links, strategy tips, screen shots, and M.U.L.E. wallpaper and icons to download, as well as the theme tune, also a M.U.L.E. discussion forum
Llamasoft Website - The Yak man's pages, what can I say? You've just got to see these. Oh, yeah, there are download versions of Hover Bovver and TurboFlex for the Atari 8-bit available as well as the history behind these games, and lots of other non-Atari related stuff.
o mnie - Screenshots, details and downloads for several good games. In Polish.
PDD'S Adventure Page - Links and files related to adventure games, including Infocom, Magnetic Scrolls, Level 9 and Adventure International
Sheddy's Shack - Atari 130XE Space Harrier Conversion Project - An effort to convert Space Harrier to the Atari 8-bit, with a downloadable demo version available.
Swiat Malego Atari - Atari 8-bit computers specs and history, several games for download, emulators for download, favourite game tunes with online versions in SAP format and some links. In Polish.
The Collectible ULTIMA - Information on all the Ultima versions for all platforms, and lists of books and other accessories.
The Original Alternate Reality Homepage - Info on Alternate Reality, maps, hints, documents, pictures, and more
The Video Game High Score Page - Atari 400/800/XL/XE High Scores quite a few games listed, but not too many players. High scores for other platforms too
Vector - Screenshots of a DOOM clone for the Atari 8-bit. No downloads available yet though.
Webtitan's Home Page - Pages dedicated to Alternate Reality, M.U.L.E., and Ultima, with some links to external sites. Nices pages, although some of the links are broken.
Alternate Reality - The Star Wizard's Guild - Welcome! - Alternate Reality news, info, manual covers, and more
Alternate Reality Page - Some AR bits and pieces here, including Usenet postings by Philip Price
Atari 8bit Alternative - Several alternative versions of games for download, including cheat versions and games fixed for different OS versions. In Spanish, automatic altavista babelfish translation
C=64 Software Houses - Information of and games from Interceptor and Llamasoft, mostly C=64 but with some Atari 8-bit stuff too.
Colin's Atari 8-Bit Emulation Page - Several games in ATR format for download, along with a few links
DIGITAL PRESS ONLINE - Good Classic Games page, mostly for games machines but with some A8 references
Galaxian for Atari Home Computers - A site devoted to Galaxian, including the Atari 8-bit version
OMC Games - General games site for all platforms, and journal, new atari 8-bit game promised too, so lets see if it happens or not
Planet IRATA - A site devoted to M.U.L.E. with several clone versions available for download for different platforms. Site under development, not all links work, but what is there looks good. Also has some links and emulators for download.
Tolkien computer games for the Atari 400 - Info on Tolkien adventure games for the atari 8bits: Adventure Quest, Colossal Adventure, Dungeon Adventure with links to solutions, as well as a couple of unreleased titles.
Video Game Advantage - Atari 8-bit game screen shots, cartridge list, and a copy of the FAQ, plus other systems
Journey to the Planets - A page dedicate to this classic game, with the solution to some of the puzzles in the game. If you are stuck on this game, then you might just find the answer here. Also available here